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Edit Pick Up Customer Info

This button is to create or edit customer information through opened order. To edit customer information, follow steps below:

Click “Misc” button, miscellaneous page will open

Miscellaneous menu

1. On order page, click “Customer Info” button, the customer page will open.

Edit Customer Info

2. The page will show customer information, edit information as desired.

3. Click “DONE” button when finish editing, the change will save, the application will go back to
order page.

4. Click “CANCEL” button if you want to cancel change, the application will go back to order page.

5. Click “NEW” button if you want to create new customer. The message box asking to confirm
save current customer record, will show up.

confirm pop up

5.1. Click “YES” button if you want to save change. The change will be saving; the page will be
cleaned up for new customer record.
5.2. Click “NO” button if you want to cancel change. The change will be discarded; the page will be cleaned up for new customer record.

6. Enter new customer information.

7. Click “DONE” button when you finish. New customer record will be created, the application will go back to order page. On order page, customer name and phone number of new customer will show up on order page header.

8. Click “CANCEL” button, if you want to cancel creating new customer. The application will go back to order page.