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Update Loyalty Points

These are certain situations that may occurred, which may be necessary to follow specific procedures to ensure that updating loyalty points is done correctly on the POS app

**Note: Not possible to update loyalty points on orders in the past dates on the POS**

Order already closed, but forgot to sign in the customer’s loyalty account

1. On ORDER RECALL, select an order then click RE-OPEN ORDER

2. After the confirmation of reopening the order, click PAY

3. On the pay screen, click Loyalty then sign in with the intended customer’s loyalty account

4. On the loyalty account information window, click UPDATE LOYALTY POINTS

**Customer will not receive the points if UPDATE LOYALTY POINTS is not clicked**

5. The points and reward will be updated, then click CLOSE

6. Click Close Check, and the process is now completed


Order already closed with unintended loyalty account or wanted to change to a different loyalty account

1. Similar to the previous case, reopen the order then go to pay screen and click Loyalty to open the loyalty account information window, then click SIGN OUT

2. The confirmation will appear, click Yes to confirm signing out the current loyalty account and the earned points/reward from this order will be deducted from the account immediately

3. Click Loyalty, then sign in with the intended loyalty account

4. Confirm that the correct account is signed in, then click UPDATE LOYALTY POINTS

5. The points and reward will be updated, then click CLOSE

6. Click Close Check, and the process is now completed

Order already closed with loyalty points earned, but later the order got adjusted that the previous balance is different from the current balance

Currently, if the order is reopened and balance is adjusted that it necessary to remove the old payments and/or make additional payment with new balance, the loyalty points will not be updated automatically. This may cause the loyalty account to receive points more or less than intended amount.

**Note: Tax, service charge, delivery charge, extra charge, and gratuity changes will not affect the points earned. Only sub total, discounts, and redeemed reward changes will affect the earning**

1. After closing the order with new balance(usually automatically closed after paid), go to ORDER RECALL then select the order and click RE-OPEN ORDER

2. Go to pay screen, click Loyalty to open loyalty account information window, then click UPDATE LOYALTY POINTS

3. Wait until the process is complete (may take more than couple seconds to complete)

4. The points and reward will be updated, then click CLOSE

5. Click Close Check, and the process is now completed

Void order with loyalty account signed in

Simply void an order while a loyalty account is signed in will automatically deduct the points/reward, that earned from this order, from the account.

In a rare case, you may run into an issue where one customer using the same loyalty account on 2 orders on the same day in this scenario:

  • Order#1 the customer earned enough points that then converted into redeemable reward
  • Order#2 the same customer redeemed the reward to cover the order’s balance
  • For some reasons, Order#1 has an issue that the customer requested for a refund

In this case, after voiding the Order#1, the POS will display this error message

Which means the loyalty account will not get points/reward that earned from the order deducted from the account.

If the customer is also request to refund the Order#2 as well, the redeemed reward will also be returned to the account. Those returned reward must be removed only through factor4 dashboard.