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Void Item Feature

This button is to void the item already printed to kitchen. To void item, follow below steps:

  1. Click desired item on ordered item list.
  2. Click “Void” button.
    Void item
  3. If feature Enforce input reason for void item is enabled, Void Reason dialog box will show up.
    Void item reason
  4. Click one predefined void reason, the dialog box will close automatically. Or if predefined reasons don’t match with your reason, enter your reason, click “DONE” button. Or click “CANCEL” button if you don’t want to void item.
  5. On order page, voided item and modifier item (if any) will be showing in red color, the word of “VOID” will replace item price, modifier item price will not show.

    Remark: The restaurant can set sending email alert when order/ item(s) is voided.