Driver Bank Feature

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The concept of this feature is the restaurant created Delivery and/or Delivery Online order, and make payment as usual. But the order will not close although the balance is equal to zero. The order can be closed by employees who is in employee group setting as a delivery driver, and his driver bank is already started. The “Close Check” button on payment page will be showing when a delivery driver opened payment page from Delivery tab only. This is to avoid a delivery driver closed the order that he didn’t deliver.

However, the order can be closed automatically after finish payment if met the following criteria:

❖ The logged on employee is in employee group setting as a delivery driver, and his driver bank is
already started.

❖ The logged on employee above opened Payment page from Delivery tab, make payment until the balance is equal to zero then the order will be closed automatically.

Driver Button

When Driver Banking feature is enabled, you will see “Driver” button on Delivery tab. This button is to access Driver Bank dialog box in order to start and close driver bank. To start or stop driver bank, follow steps below:

1. Click “DRIVER” button, the Driver Bank dialog box will open. The dialog box showed “START
DRIVER” and “CLOSE DRIVER” button.

Driver button

2. Start Driver Bank:
2.1. Click “START DRIVER” button, the dialog box will show a delivery driver name differently as
     i. If the logged on employee has permission to start and close driver bank for other, the
dialog box will show all delivery driver name.
     ii. If the logged on employee is in employee group setting as a delivery driver, the dialog
box will show his name.
     iii. If the logged on employee is not in employee group setting as a delivery driver, and he has no permission to start and close driver bank to other, the dialog box will not show a delivery driver name.

Start Driver Bank

A delivery driver who is already started his driver bank, his name will show in grey and unselectable.

Select Driver Bank

2.2. Select desired delivery driver name.

❖ Click “CONFIRM” button if you want to start a driver bank.

❖ Click “CANCEL” button if you don’t want to start a driver bank.

3. Close Driver Bank:

Start Driver Bank
3.1. Click “CLOSE DRIVER” button, the dialog box will show a delivery driver name differently as
i. If the logged on employee has permission to start and close driver bank for other, the
dialog box will show all delivery driver name.
ii. If the logged on employee is in employee group setting as a delivery driver, the dialog
box will show his name.
iii. If the logged on employee is not in employee group setting as a delivery driver, and he
has no permission to start and close driver bank to other, the dialog box will not show a
delivery driver name.

A delivery driver who has not started his driver bank, his name will show in grey and unselectable.

Close Driver Bank

3.2. Select desired delivery driver name.

❖ Click “CONFIRM” button if you want to close a driver bank.

❖ Click “CANCEL” button if you don’t want to close a driver bank.

Remark: The restaurant can set to ‘Auto Clock-Out after close Driver bank’.

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