Manage / Adjust Local Gift Card

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The restaurant can update gift card status and/or adjust balance on Manage Gift Card window by
clicking “More” button then clicking “MANAGE GIFT CARD” button.

More button

Manage Gift Card

On Manage Gift Card window, all gift cards will be showing, user can filter gift card by status. The
restaurant can change status to ‘All Redeemed’, ‘Voided’ or ‘Expired’. When changing to ‘Voided’, the reason is required. Click “SAVE” button when finish updating gift card status or “CANCEL” button if the restaurant wanted to cancel the update.

Manage Gift Card window

Adjust Balance

The restaurant can also adjust Gift Card balance manually by clicking “ADJUST BALANCE” button. The Adjust Gift Card Balance window will show up, entered balance amount and reason, click “DONE” button after finish adjusting or “CANCEL” button if the restaurant wants to cancel the adjusting.

Adjust Gift Card

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